Confirmation: We Are Not Dead (yet)

24 Mar

Hello, followers! I hope the new year is going well for you all. This is just to confirm we haven’t gone anywhere; EEB is still currently a thing, but we’ve been too busy to upkeep it lately.

Life decided to explode on me a few weeks ago and I was brought to a place where suddenly nothing seemed very stable, excepting only that I and the others around me are healthy. I feel like everything else (college, where I would live if I go to college, graduation, careers, writing, relationships, faith, hope, etc.) was pretty much taken out of its nicely organized “boxes,” if you will, and shattered on the floor in a million pieces. And this is the time where I’m like “What the heck am I going to do with all this?” Yep. That’s been my life in a nutshell lately. The good news is all of this has been a step of faith: a lot of people and tasks, such as writing, that I had been relying on for strength couldn’t bring me any comfort (I mean, duh, they were the source of my problems!) God was the only One who could help me and I probably wouldn’t still be here without Him. So I have this hope, and because I have it, I’m going to make it 😉

Also, Sarah’s life hasn’t been any too easy lately, either. She is currently undergoing a modern torture device called college chemistry. Bless her heart.

On a brighter note, Sarah and I did get together a few weeks ago as children again (complete with pictures at a playground per request of Madame Bramblebutt herself) and that was a very invigorating, sunny day full of reminiscing old times and making fresh memories. Hopefully I’ll put some pictures on here soon. 🙂

All this said, we haven’t had much time for writing during the past few months.  Not to say we haven’t been thinking about it. Because we have. And hopefully, you will see a real post soon.

Rumors: I might be rewriting “Irish Hearts Never Lie.” Sarah and I might be planning another book idea. Or we might not. I guess you’ll have to wait and see. We will try not to keep you waiting long.

Have a happy Easter, everyone! We will talk with you soon.

And no matter what life throws at you, don’t stop believing!

1 Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

One Response to “Confirmation: We Are Not Dead (yet)”

  1. Sarah Spradlin March 24, 2016 at 1:40 PM #

    I approve this message. xD

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